Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. CEDict


    • pinying[San1 guo2 shi3 ji4]
    • History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Samguk Sagi), the oldest extant Korean history, compiled under Kim Busik 金富軾;金富轼[Jin1 Fu4 shi4] in 1145. The three kingdoms are Goguryeo 高句麗
    • 釋義

    • 1. History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Samguk Sagi), the oldest extant Korean history, compiled under Kim Busik 金富軾
    • 2. 金富轼[Jin1 Fu4 shi4] in 1145. The three kingdoms are Goguryeo 高句麗
    • 3. 高句丽[Gao1 ju4 li2], Baekje 百濟
    • 4. 百济[Bai3 ji4], Silla 新羅
    • 5. 新罗[Xin1 luo2].