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  1. center

    • IPA[ˈsen(t)ər]


    • n.
      the middle point of a circle or sphere, equidistant from every point on the circumference or surface.;a point or part that is equally distant from all sides, ends, or surfaces of something
    • v.
      occur mainly in or around (a specified place);have or cause to have (a specified concern or theme)
    • verb: centre, 3rd person present: centres, gerund or present participle: centring, past tense: centred, past participle: centred

    • noun: centre, plural noun: centres

    • 釋義


    • 1. the middle point of a circle or sphere, equidistant from every point on the circumference or surface.
    • a point or part that is equally distant from all sides, ends, or surfaces of something the center of the ceiling the center of a vast territory
    • a political party or group holding moderate opinions a new center party
    • (in many sports) the middle player in a line or group many coaches instruct their center to charge viciously on all plays
    • the player who is positioned near the basket and is typically tallest on the team only 10 centers averaged more than 10 points per game last year
    • a core, such as the filling in a piece of chocolate truffles with liqueur centers
    • a pivot or axis of rotation the galactic rotation of the solar system around the galactic center
    • short for center field
    • a conical adjustable support for a workpiece in a lathe or similar machine.
    • 2. the point from which an activity or process is directed, or on which it is focused the city was a center of discontent two issues at the center of the healthcare debate
    • the most important place in the respect specified Geneva was then the center of the international world
    • 3. a place or group of buildings where a specified activity is concentrated a center for medical research a shopping center


    • 1. occur mainly in or around (a specified place) the mercantile association was centered in northern Germany
    • have or cause to have (a specified concern or theme) the case centers around the couple's adopted children the plot centers on two young men
    • 2. place in the middle to center the needle, turn the knob
    • (in soccer, hockey, and other team games) kick, hit, or throw the ball from the side to the middle of the playing area he centered from a difficult position on the left
    • pass (the ball) back from the ground to another player to begin a down; snap West Virginia's offense lined up to center the ball
    • play the central position in (a line of three forwards) Derlago will center Leafs' No. 1 line with Vaive and Clark on wings