Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. turn in

    • ph.
      上交; 睡覺; 拐彎進入; 取得; 放棄; 交換; 告發; 出賣
    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 上交; 睡覺; 拐彎進入; 取得; 放棄; 交換; 告發; 出賣 When the football season was over, we turned in our uniforms. 踢足球的季節過去之後, 我們就把運動服上繳了。 He complained of being tired and turned in early. 他說他太累, 很早就睡了。


    上交; 睡覺; 拐彎進入; 取得; 放棄; 交換; 告發; 出賣