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  1. tranquillize

    • IPA[ˈtraŋkwɪlʌɪz]


    • v.
      (of a drug) have a calming or sedative effect on;administer a tranquillizer to (a person or animal)
    • verb: tranquillize, 3rd person present: tranquillizes, gerund or present participle: tranquillizing, past tense: tranquillized, past participle: tranquillized

    • 釋義


    • 1. (of a drug) have a calming or sedative effect on one dose will tranquillize a 10,000 pound elephant
    • administer a tranquillizer to (a person or animal) the dogs had to be tranquillized before their owner's body could be brought out
    • make tranquil joys that tranquillize the mind