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  1. John Doe

    • IPA[ˌjän ˈdō]


    • n.
      an anonymous party, typically the plaintiff, in a legal action;a hypothetical average man.
    • noun: John Doe, plural noun: John Does

    • 釋義


    • 1. North American an anonymous party, typically the plaintiff, in a legal action identified only as John Doe, the plaintiff says he was on an academic scholarship he had been listed at the coroner's office as a John Doe
    • North American a hypothetical average man.
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    • IPA[ˌdʒɒn ˈdəʊ]


    • n.
      an anonymous party, typically the plaintiff, in a legal action: identified only as John Doe, the plaintiff says he was on an academic scholarship he had been listed at the coroner's office as a John Doe

    Oxford Dictionary