Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. clothes line


    • n.
      a rope or wire on which washed clothes are hung to dry.
    • v.
      (chiefly in football and other sports) knock down (a runner) by placing one's outstretched arm in their path at neck level
    • verb: clothesline, 3rd person present: clotheslines, gerund or present participle: clotheslining, past tense: clotheslined, past participle: clotheslined

    • noun: clothes line, plural noun: clothes lines

    • 釋義


    • 1. a rope or wire on which washed clothes are hung to dry.


    • 1. (chiefly in football and other sports) knock down (a runner) by placing one's outstretched arm in their path at neck level Ramon clotheslined Owen to the floor