1. the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet
- air
- , aerosphere
- , airspace
- , sky
- , the heavens
- , the firmament
- , the vault of heaven
- , the blue
- , the wide blue yonder
- , the azure
- , the ether
- , the welkin
- , the empyrean
- , the upper regions
- , the sphere
2. the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or creative work
- ambience
- , aura
- , climate
- , air
- , mood
- , feel
- , feeling
- , character
- , tone
- , overtone
- , undertone
- , tenor
- , spirit
- , quality
- , aspect
- , element
- , undercurrent
- , flavour
- , colour
- , colouring
- , look
- , impression
- , suggestion
- , emanation
- , environment
- , milieu
- , medium
- , background
- , backdrop
- , setting
- , context
- , surroundings
- , environs
- , conditions
- , circumstances
- , vibrations
- , vibe
- , vibes
- , subcurrent