- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 決心 determination to do sth. 做某事的決心
1. the quality of being determined; firmness of purpose
- resolution
- , resolve
- , resoluteness
- , will power
- , strength of will
- , strength of character
- , single-mindedness
- , sense of purpose
- , firmness of purpose
- , fixity of purpose
- , purposefulness
- , intentness
- , decision
- , decidedness
- , steadfastness
- , staunchness
- , perseverance
- , persistence
- , indefatigability
- , tenacity
- , tenaciousness
- , staying power
- , strong-mindedness
- , backbone
- , the bulldog spirit
- , pertinacity
- , pertinaciousness
- , stubbornness
- , doggedness
- , obstinacy
- , obdurateness
- , obduracy
- , inflexibility
- , spiritedness
- , braveness
- , bravery
- , boldness
- , courage
- , courageousness
- , pluck
- , pluckiness
- , stout-heartedness
- , Dunkirk spirit
- , sitzfleisch
- , guts
- , spunk
- , grit
- , stickability
- , stick-to-it-iveness
- , intension
- , perseveration
2. the process of establishing something exactly by calculation or research
- calculation
- , discovery
- , ascertainment
- , establishment
- , fixing
- , deduction
- , divination
- , diagnosis
- , discernment
- , check
- , verification
- , confirmation
3. the controlling or deciding of the nature or outcome of something
- setting
- , fixing
- , specification
- , a decision about
- , settlement
- , designation
- , allotment
- , arrangement
- , choice
- , naming
- , nomination
- , appointment
- , establishment
- , authorization
- , prescription
「1. the quality of being determined; firmness of purpose」的反義字
- determination的名詞複數
- 自己決定
- 自主,自我決定
- 更多解釋
- KK[dɪ͵tɝməˋneʃən]
- DJ[di͵tə:miˋneiʃən]
- 堅定;果斷,決斷力[U] My father was a man of determination. 我父親是一個果斷的人。
- U決心