- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 電池 to recharge one's batteries 恢復體力
- 2. 排炮
- 3. 層架式雞籠
- 4. 一系列; 一連串
- 5. 毆打
1. a container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power
2. an artillery subunit of guns, men, and vehicles
- gun emplacement
- , artillery unit
- , artillery
- , cannonry
- , ordnance
- , heavy weapons
- , heavy weaponry
- , guns
- , cannons
3. a set of similar units of equipment, typically when connected together
- array
- , set
- , bank
- , group
- , row
- , line
- , line-up
- , raft
- , collection
- , assortment
4. an extensive series, sequence, or range of things
- series
- , sequence
- , range
- , set
- , cycle
- , chain
- , string
- , progression
- , succession
5. the infliction of unlawful personal violence on another person, even where the contact does no physical harm
- battery的名詞複數
- 電池
- 電動剃鬚刀
- 蓄電池酸液
- 蓄電池
- 鋰電池
- 乾電池組
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋbætərɪ]
- DJ[ˋbætəri]
- 電池;蓄電池[C] My car battery has run down. 我汽車上的電池用完了。
- 炮兵陣地