1. (of a surface) uneven, with many patches raised above the rest
- uneven
- , rough
- , irregular
- , holed
- , potholed
- , holey
- , rutted
- , pitted
- , rutty
- , lumpy
- , knobby
- , knobbly
- , gnarled
- , stony
- , rocky
2. (of a journey or other movement) involving sudden jolts and jerks
- bouncy
- , rough
- , uncomfortable
- , choppy
- , jolting
- , jolty
- , lurching
- , jerky
- , jumpy
- , jarring
- , bone-shaking
- , bone-breaking
- , jouncy
- , jouncing
- , turbulent
- , inconsistent
- , variable
- , varying
- , changeable
- , irregular
- , fluctuating
- , intermittent
- , wavering
- , erratic
- , patchy
- , rocky
- , unsettled
- , unstable
- , roller-coaster
- , stormy
- , tumultuous
- , tempestuous
- , explosive
- , in turmoil
- , full of upheavals
- , full of conflict
- , full of ups and downs
- , chaotic
「1. (of a surface) uneven, with many patches raised above the rest」的反義字
「2. (of a journey or other movement) involving sudden jolts and jerks」的反義字