- IPA[dɪˈklaɪn]
- 下降; 減少;惡化; 衰退; 衰弱; 衰落; 減退; 下降
- 婉拒;使…變格
- 下降;衰退
過去式:declined 過去分詞:declined 現在分詞:declining
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 下降; 減少
- 2. 惡化; 衰退; 衰弱; 衰落; 減退; 下降
- 3. 婉拒
- 4. 變格
- 1. 婉拒 to decline to do sth. 婉拒做某事
- 2. 使…變格
- 1. 下降 a (small/steep) decline in sth. 某物的(小幅/急劇)下降 to be on the or in decline 在下降
- 2. 衰退 to be on the or in decline 在衰退 a decline in sth. 某事的衰退
1. (typically of something regarded as good) become smaller, fewer, or less; decrease
- decrease
- , reduce
- , get smaller
- , grow smaller
- , lessen
- , get less
- , diminish
- , wane
- , dwindle
- , contract
- , shrink
- , fall off
- , taper off
- , tail off
- , peter out
- , drop
- , fall
- , go down
- , sink
- , slump
- , plummet
- , plunge
- , nosedive
- , take a nosedive
- , take a header
- , go into a tailspin
- , crash
2. diminish in strength or quality; deteriorate
- deteriorate
- , degenerate
- , decay
- , crumble
- , collapse
- , fail
- , fall
- , sink
- , slump
- , slip
- , slide
- , go downhill
- , worsen
- , get worse
- , go to rack and ruin
- , stagnate
- , atrophy
- , wither
- , weaken
- , fade
- , fade away
- , wane
- , ebb
- , be abandoned
- , be neglected
- , be disregarded
- , be forgotten
- , go to pot
- , go to the dogs
- , hit the skids
- , go down the toilet
- , go down the tubes
- , go to the pack
- , retrograde
3. politely refuse (an invitation or offer)
- turn down
- , reject
- , brush aside
- , refuse
- , rebuff
- , spurn
- , disdain
- , look down one's nose at
- , repulse
- , repudiate
- , dismiss
- , forgo
- , deny oneself
- , pass up
- , refuse to take advantage of
- , turn one's back on
- , abstain (from)
- , say no to
- , shake one's head
- , send one's regrets
- , give the thumbs down (to)
- , give the red light (to)
- , give something a miss
- , give someone the brush-off
- , knock back
- , snout
「1. (typically of something regarded as good) become smaller, fewer, or less; decrease」的反義字
「2. diminish in strength or quality; deteriorate」的反義字
「3. politely refuse (an invitation or offer)」的反義字
- decline的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- 朝…傾斜
- 在下降
- 在消減; 在衰退 She is on the decline, and may die soon. 她身體越來越弱, 恐不久於人世。 The number of robberies in the area is on the decline. 這地區的劫案在減少。
- 在衰退中(的);在下坡位置(的)
- 在衰退中(的);在下坡位置(的)
- 拒絕提議
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[dɪˋklaɪn]
- DJ[diˋklain]
- 下降,下跌;減少;衰退,衰落 As one grows older one's memory declines. 人的記憶力隨著年齡增長而衰退。 Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month. 上個月失業率降至百分之四。
- 婉拒;謝絕[+to-v] She declined their invitation. 她婉拒了他們的邀請。 She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn't feeling well. 她說她身體不舒服,婉拒了與她的朋友共進午餐。
- 下降;減少[S1] There is a decline in real wages. 實際薪資有所減少。
- 衰微,跌落,下降使降低,婉謝下降,衰落,偏斜