1. an instance of giving off something such as a liquid or gas
- outflow
- , outpouring
- , outflowing
- , outrush
- , rush
- , current
- , flood
- , deluge
- , emission
- , discharge
- , issue
- , spurt
- , surge
- , jet
- , fountain
- , cascade
- , spout
- , stream
- , torrent
- , gush
- , outburst
- , flow
- , flux
- , welling
- , leakage
- , escape
- , voidance
- , drain
- , drainage
- , outflux
- , emanation
- , effluence
- , exudation
- , efflux
2. an act of talking or writing in an unrestrained or heartfelt way
- outburst
- , outpouring
- , gush
- , stream of words
- , flow of speech
- , utterance
- , wordiness
- , speech
- , address
- , talk
- , words
- , writing(s)
- , spiel
- , verbiage