- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 犯錯誤 to err in one's judgement 判斷出錯 to err is human 犯錯人皆難免
1. be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake
- make a mistake
- , be wrong
- , be in error
- , be mistaken
- , mistake
- , make a blunder
- , blunder
- , be incorrect
- , be inaccurate
- , misjudge
- , miscalculate
- , get things/something/it wrong
- , bark up the wrong tree
- , get the wrong end of the stick
- , be wide of the mark
- , slip up
- , screw up
- , blow it
- , foul up
- , goof
- , boob
- , fluff something
- , make a hash of something
- , put one's foot in it
- , make a boo-boo
- , make a bloomer
- , drop a brick
- , fuck something up
- , bugger something up
2. sin; do wrong
- misbehave
- , do wrong
- , go wrong
- , behave badly
- , misconduct oneself
- , be bad
- , be naughty
- , get up to mischief
- , get up to no good
- , act up
- , act badly
- , give someone trouble
- , cause someone trouble
- , sin
- , go astray
- , transgress
- , trespass
- , fall from grace
- , lapse
- , degenerate
- , clown about/around
- , fool about/around
- , act the clown
- , act the fool
- , act the goat
- , act foolishly
- , forget oneself
- , mess about/around
- , muck about/around
- , play up
「1. be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake」的反義字
- err的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- 背離
- 犯錯誤,弄錯
- 人非聖賢, 孰能無過。
- 兩錯取其輕,選擇較穩妥的做法
- 誤入歧途
- 過分表現某品質(通常指好的) It's better to err on the side of tolerance when dealing with young offenders. 對待失足的青少年寧可失之過寬(寧過寬而勿過嚴)。
- 1
- 2
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[ɝ]
- DJ[ə:]
- 犯錯誤;(書刊,儀器等)出差錯[(+in)] He erred on the side of severity. 他失之過嚴。 To err is human. 犯錯誤是人之常情。
- 做錯,出錯,犯錯誤