- 相關詞
- 同反義
1. struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water
- struggle
- , thrash
- , thresh
- , flail
- , toss and turn
- , twist and turn
- , pitch
- , splash
- , stagger
- , stumble
- , falter
- , lurch
- , blunder
- , fumble
- , grope
- , squirm
- , writhe
2. struggle mentally; show or feel great confusion
- struggle mentally
- , be out of one's depth
- , be in the dark
- , have difficulty
- , be confounded
- , be confused
- , be dumbfounded
- , scratch one's head
- , be flummoxed
- , be clueless
- , be foxed
- , be fazed
- , be floored
- , be beaten
3. be in serious difficulty
- struggle financially
- , be in dire straits
- , face financial ruin
- , be in difficulties
- , face bankruptcy/insolvency
「1. struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water」的反義字
「2. be in serious difficulty」的反義字
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈflaʊndə(r)]
- 掙扎; 困難重重 many firms are floundering 許多公司舉步維艱 to flounder in the deep end 在深水區掙扎
- KK[ˋflaʊndɚ]
- DJ[ˋflaundə]
- 掙扎 We floundered through deep snow to get to the store. 我們費力地踏著厚厚的積雪去那家店裡。
- KK[ˋflaʊndɚ]
- DJ[ˋflaundə]
- 比目魚,鰈[C]
- 掙紮,折騰,掙紮著前進掙紮,焦躁,輾轉,比目魚