- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 光亮 the glow of the evening sky 晚霞
- 2. 容光煥發 there was a glow in her cheeks 她雙頰紅潤
- 3. 心滿意足 a glow of self-satisfaction 沾沾自喜的神情 a warm glow 暖洋洋的感覺
- 1. 發光
- 2. 發紅 to glow with health 容光煥發 her cheeks glowed with health 她的臉頰泛出健康的紅潤
- 3. 煥發活力
- 4. 喜形於色 their eyes glowed with delight 他們的眼中閃爍著喜悅的光芒 she was glowing with pride/self-satisfaction/happiness 她躊躇滿志/洋洋自得/喜氣洋洋
1. give out steady light without flame
2. have an intense colour and a slight shine
3. (of a person's face) appear pink or red as a result of warmth, health, embarrassment, etc.
- flush
- , blush
- , redden
- , go red
- , colour
- , colour up
- , go pink
- , crimson
- , go scarlet
- , be suffused with colour
- , burn
- , radiate heat
- , mantle
4. convey deep pleasure through one's expression or bearing
5. a steady radiance of light or heat
- radiance
- , light
- , brightness
- , luminosity
- , shine
- , gleam
- , glimmer
- , incandescence
- , phosphorescence
- , luminescence
- , richness
- , vividness
- , brilliance
- , warmth
- , heat
- , lambency
- , lucency
- , irradiance
6. a redness of the cheeks
- flush
- , blush
- , rosiness
- , pinkness
- , redness
- , crimson
- , scarlet
- , reddening
- , ruddiness
- , high colour
- , bloom
- , radiance
- , warmth
7. a strong feeling of pleasure or well-being
「1. (of a person's face) appear pink or red as a result of warmth, health, embarrassment, etc.」的反義字
「2. a redness of the cheeks」的反義字
- glow的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- 螢火蟲
- 螢光棒
- 螢光棒
- 更多解釋
- KK[glo]
- DJ[gləu]
- 發白熱光,灼熱;發光,發熱 The remains of the fire glowed for hours. 火的餘燼好幾小時都發著光亮。
- 白熱光;灼熱
- 發光,發熱