1. unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses
- grating
- , jarring
- , grinding
- , rasping
- , raspy
- , strident
- , raucous
- , brassy
- , jangling
- , metallic
- , ear-piercing
- , discordant
- , dissonant
- , disagreeable
- , unharmonious
- , cacophonous
- , unmelodious
- , screeching
- , shrill
- , tinny
- , squeaky
- , squawking
- , rough
- , coarse
- , guttural
- , hoarse
- , gruff
- , croaky
- , croaking
- , growly
- , growling
- , stridulant
- , glaring
- , bright
- , dazzling
- , brilliant
- , loud
- , flashy
- , garish
- , gaudy
- , lurid
- , bold
- , showy
- , crude
- , vulgar
2. cruel or severe
- cruel
- , severe
- , savage
- , barbarous
- , despotic
- , dictatorial
- , tyrannical
- , tyrannous
- , ruthless
- , merciless
- , pitiless
- , relentless
- , unrelenting
- , hard
- , strict
- , intolerant
- , illiberal
- , hard-hearted
- , heartless
- , unkind
- , inhuman
- , inhumane
- , unfeeling
- , unsympathetic
- , unmerciful
- , unpitying
- , suppressive
- , stringent
- , firm
- , austere
- , punitive
- , draconian
- , stiff
- , brutal
- , stern
- , rigid
- , rigorous
- , grim
- , uncompromising
- , inflexible
- , spartan
- , rough
- , comfortless
- , inhospitable
- , stark
- , bleak
- , desolate
- , barren
- , bitter
- , wild
3. (of a climate or conditions) difficult to survive in; hostile
- hard
- , severe
- , cold
- , bitter
- , bitterly cold
- , bleak
- , freezing
- , icy
- , icy-cold
- , arctic
- , polar
- , Siberian
- , glacial
- , extreme
- , nasty
4. having an undesirably strong effect
「1. unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses」的反義字
「2. cruel or severe」的反義字
「3. (of a climate or conditions) difficult to survive in; hostile」的反義字
「4. having an undesirably strong effect」的反義字