- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 語言 language skills/acquisition 語言技能/習得 the English language 英語
- 2. 專用語 the language of science or scientific language 科學術語 formal/legal language 正式/法律用語
- 3. 措詞 mind your language! 注意你的言辭! don't use that language with me! 別對我那樣說話!
- 4. 表達方式 the language of flowers 花語
- 5. 計算機語言
修飾詞 (modification)
- 1. 語言的
1. a non-verbal method of expression or communication
- speech
- , writing
- , communication
- , verbal expression
- , verbalization
- , vocalization
- , conversation
- , speaking
- , talking
- , words
- , utterance
- , vocabulary
- , articulation
- , enunciation
- , pronunciation
- , talk
- , discourse
- , interchange
- , intercourse
- , interaction
- , converse
2. a system of communication used by a particular country or community
3. the phraseology and vocabulary of a particular profession, domain, or group
- wording
- , diction
- , phrasing
- , phraseology
- , style
- , vocabulary
- , terminology
- , expressions
- , turns of phrase
- , parlance
- , manner of writing/speaking
- , way of talking
- , form/mode of expression
- , usages
- , locutions
- , idiolect
- , choice of words
- , rhetoric
- , oratory
- , speech
- , dialect
- , vernacular
- , regionalisms
- , provincialisms
- , localisms
- , patois
- , lingua franca
- , slang
- , idioms
- , colloquialisms
- , jargon
- , argot
- , barbarisms
- , vulgarisms
- , cant
- , newspeak
- , pidgin English
- , Creole
- , lingo
- , legalese
- , journalese
- , technospeak
- , geekspeak
- , gobbledegook
- language的名詞複數
- 死的語言 A language people no longer speak is called a dead language. 人們不再講的語言稱為死語言。 Latin is an example of a dead language. 拉丁文就是死語言的一個例子。
- 口頭語言 Is French a spoken language? 法文是口講的語言嗎?
- 書寫(寫作)的語言, 書面語言 English is a written language. 英文是書寫的語言。
- 世界通用語
- 語言學校
- 手語 to talk in sign language 用手語交談
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋlæŋgwɪdʒ]
- DJ[ˋlæŋgwidʒ]
- 語言;語言文字[U] Language is an instrument for communication. 語言是交際的工具。
- U語言