- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 堅定 to show/lack resolution 表現出/缺乏決斷
- 2. 決心 to make a resolution 下決心 he made a firm resolution to lead a healthier life 他下定決心要過更健康的生活
- 3. 決議 to table/pass/adopt/reject a resolution 提出/通過/採納/否決一項決議
- 4. 解決 a problem that defies resolution 無法解決的問題
- 5. 分解 the resolution of light into the colours of the spectrum 光分解為光譜顏色
1. a firm decision to do or not to do something
- intention
- , resolve
- , decision
- , intent
- , aim
- , aspiration
- , design
- , purpose
- , object
- , plan
- , commitment
- , pledge
- , promise
- , undertaking
2. a formal expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body or other formal meeting, typically after taking a vote
- motion
- , proposal
- , proposition
- , plan
- , ruling
- , verdict
- , judgement
- , finding
- , adjudication
- , decision
- , declaration
- , decree
- , resolve
- , determination
3. the quality of being determined or resolute
- determination
- , purpose
- , purposefulness
- , resolve
- , resoluteness
- , single-mindedness
- , strength of will
- , strength of character
- , will power
- , firmness
- , firmness of purpose
- , fixity of purpose
- , intentness
- , decision
- , decidedness
- , steadfastness
- , staunchness
- , manfulness
- , perseverance
- , persistence
- , indefatigability
- , tenacity
- , tenaciousness
- , staying power
- , strong-mindedness
- , backbone
- , dedication
- , commitment
- , constancy
- , the bulldog spirit
- , pertinacity
- , pertinaciousness
- , stubbornness
- , doggedness
- , obstinacy
- , obdurateness
- , obduracy
- , inflexibility
- , spiritedness
- , braveness
- , bravery
- , boldness
- , courage
- , pluck
- , courageousness
- , pluckiness
- , stout-heartedness
- , Sitzfleisch
- , guts
- , spunk
- , grit
- , stickability
- , stick-to-it-iveness
- , intension
- , perseveration
4. the action of solving a problem or contentious matter
- solution to
- , answer to
- , end to
- , explanation to
- , resolving
- , settlement
- , settling
- , solving
- , sorting out
- , working out
- , rectification
- , unravelling
- , disentanglement
- , clarification
- , conclusion
- , ending
- , cracking
「1. the quality of being determined or resolute」的反義字
「2. the action of solving a problem or contentious matter」的反義字
- resolution的名詞複數
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- 4K解析度
- 方位解析度
- (美國國會兩院的)共同決議
- 【電腦】將電腦的名次轉成網路位址的過程
- 輻射解像力裝置
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- 更多解釋
- KK[͵rɛzəˋluʃən]
- DJ[͵rezəˋlu:ʃən]
- 決心;決定[C][+to-v] Worst of all, he had no hope of shaking her resolution. 最糟的是,他知道無法動搖她的決心。
- 圖形解析度解析,決心,堅定,決定,提案,消除,解答,分解,轉變