- IPA[ˈslɔːtə(r)]
- 屠宰;屠殺
- 屠宰;屠殺
過去式:slaughtered 過去分詞:slaughtered 現在分詞:slaughtering
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 屠宰 to send sth. for slaughter 將某物送去屠宰 to go to slaughter 被送去屠宰
- 2. 屠殺
- 3. 慘敗
- 1. 屠宰
- 2. 屠殺 to be slaughtered in (their) thousands 成千上萬地被屠殺
- 3. 徹底擊敗 to slaughter sb. at sth. 在某方面徹底擊敗某人
1. kill (animals) for food
2. kill (people or animals) in a cruel or violent way, typically in large numbers
- massacre
- , murder
- , butcher
- , kill
- , kill off
- , annihilate
- , exterminate
- , execute
- , liquidate
- , eliminate
- , destroy
- , decimate
- , wipe out
- , mow down
- , cut down
- , cut to pieces
- , put to the sword
- , put to death
- , send to the gas chambers
- , slay
3. defeat (an opponent) thoroughly
- defeat utterly
- , trounce
- , annihilate
- , beat hollow
- , drub
- , give a drubbing to
- , crush
- , rout
- , hammer
- , clobber
- , thrash
- , paste
- , pound
- , pulverize
- , massacre
- , crucify
- , demolish
- , destroy
- , wipe the floor with
- , take to the cleaners
- , make mincemeat of
- , murder
- , flatten
- , turn inside out
- , stuff
- , marmalize
- , shellac
- , blow out
- , cream
- , skunk
- , own
4. the killing of a large number of people or animals in a cruel or violent way
- massacre
- , murder
- , murdering
- , mass murder
- , mass killing
- , wholesale killing
- , indiscriminate killing
- , mass homicide
- , execution
- , mass execution
- , destruction
- , mass destruction
- , annihilation
- , extermination
- , liquidation
- , decimation
- , carnage
- , butchery
- , pogrom
- , genocide
- , ethnic cleansing
- , holocaust
- , Shoah
- , night of the long knives
- , slaying
- , battue
- , hecatomb
- , bloodshed
- , indiscriminate bloodshed
- , bloodletting
- , bloodbath
5. a thorough defeat
- slaughter的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- 自殺
- 自殺
- 通過血腥手段達到…
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋslɔtɚ]
- DJ[ˋslɔ:tə]
- (食用牲口的)屠宰 We raise cattle for slaughter. 我們養牛供屠宰。
- 宰殺,屠宰 There is a campaign against those hunters who mercilessly slaughter baby seals. 一場反對那些殘酷屠殺小海豹的獵手的運動正在展開。
- 殘殺,屠殺,大量殺戮殘殺,屠殺,虧本出售