- IPA[stægˈneɪʃn]
- 停滯
- 相關詞
- 工資停滯;薪水凍漲 Blue collar workers are greatly dissatisfied with wage stagnation. 藍領階級對工資停滯有很大的不滿。
- 滯溫,停滯溫度 The stagnation temperature at the front of the engine can be quite high. 引擎前方的滯溫可能相當高。
- 工資停滯;薪水凍漲 Blue collar workers are greatly dissatisfied with wage stagnation. 藍領階級對工資停滯有很大的不滿。
- 停滯不前的守護者 Hillary Clinton, the American Democratic presidential nominee, was referred to as a steward of stagnation by her opponent. 美國民主黨總統候選人希拉里被對手指為一個停滯不前的守護者。
- 停滯不前的守護者 Hillary Clinton, the American Democratic presidential nominee, was referred to as a steward of stagnation by her opponent. 美國民主黨總統候選人希拉里被對手指為一個停滯不前的守護者。
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