straight from the shoulder
- 坦白地
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 坦白地 I'll give it to you straight from the shoulder, this is no time to try to protect your feelings. 這件事我要開誠布公地對你講, 現在不是設法照顧你的情緒的時候。 In the end I had to speak straight from the shoulder. 最後我不得不把話說得毫不含糊。
- 更多解釋
- 直截了當地 I told her, straight from the shoulder, that I thought she was being silly. 我直截了當地告訴她,我認為她表現得太愚蠢。
- 直截了當地 I told her, straight from the shoulder, that I thought she was being silly. 我直截了當地告訴她,我認為她表現得太愚蠢。