Yahoo香港字典 搜尋
主題 to change the subject 換個話題 an article on the subject of space travel 一篇談論太空旅行的文章 adj.
臣服的 the Greeks were the first subject people to break free from Ottoman rule 希臘人是第一個掙脫奧斯曼帝國統治的民族 prep
取決於 subject to the EU's agreement, ... 根據歐盟協議,… you will be granted membership, subject to producing certain documents 只要提供一些文件,你就可以成為會員 vt.
使臣服 to be subjected to bombing/ridicule 遭到轟炸/受到嘲笑
主題;題目;題材 He has read many books on the subject. 他看過許多關於這一方面的書。 adj.
易受……的;易患……的[F][+to] My mother is very subject to headaches. 我母親動不動就頭痛。 Japan is subject to earthquakes. 日本常發生地震。
使隸屬;使服從[(+to)] How can you subject her will to your own? 你怎麼可以要她服從你的意願呢?
使服從於... Scientists subject spacemen to all kinds of tests before they send them up in rockets. 科學家們在把太空人送上火箭前要對他們進行各種各樣的測試。