- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 不公正的 to be unfair to or on sb. 對某人不公平 to gain/have an unfair advantage (over sb.) (對某人)獲得/擁有不公正的優勢
- 2. 不正當的 unfair play 犯規 unfair trading/competition 不正當交易/競爭
1. not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice
- unjust
- , inequitable
- , prejudiced
- , biased
- , discriminatory
- , preferential
- , one-sided
- , unequal
- , uneven
- , unbalanced
- , non-objective
- , partisan
- , partial
- , intolerant
- , bigoted
- , coloured
- , distorted
- , warped
- , loaded
- , weighted
- , slanted
2. not following the rules of a game or sport
- unsporting
- , foul
- , unsportsmanlike
- , dirty
- , below the belt
- , illegal
- , illegitimate
- , illicit
- , underhand
- , unscrupulous
- , dishonourable
- , crooked
- , low-down
「1. not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice」的反義字
「2. not following the rules of a game or sport」的反義字
- 不公平解僱
- unfair的形容詞比較級
- 【體】黑哨(裁判員收受賄賂而違背裁判原則,在比賽中有意地進行誤判來主導比賽結果,亦作cheating call)
- unfair的形容詞最高級
- unfair的形容詞比較級
- unfair的形容詞最高級
- 【體】黑哨(裁判員收受賄賂而違背裁判原則,在比賽中有意地進行誤判來主導比賽結果,亦作cheating call)
- 更多解釋
- KK[ʌnˋfɛr]
- DJ[ʌnˋfɛə]
- 不公平的;不公正的 We think the punishment is unfair. 我們認為這樣的懲處不公平。