Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. urge

    • IPA[ɜːdʒ]



    • n.
    • vt.
    • 過去式:urged 過去分詞:urged 現在分詞:urging

    • 名詞複數:urges

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 相關詞
    • 片語


    • 1. 強烈慾望 I had a sudden urge to hit him 我突然很想揍他
    • 2. 性衝動 sexual urges 性衝動


    • 1. 力勸 she urged him to stay 她竭力勸他留下 ‘go and ask him again’ she urged “再去問他一遍,”她催促道
    • 2. 竭力主張 he urged patience on the crowd 他呼籲那群人保持耐心 the report urged that all children (should) be taught to swim 這份報告呼籲應該教所有的孩子學游泳
    • 3. 驅趕 he urged his horse forward 他策馬向前 he urged the sheep through the gate 他趕著羊群穿過大門


    1. recommend (something) strongly

    2. encourage (a person or animal) to move more quickly or in a particular direction

    3. encourage someone to continue or succeed


    「1. encourage (a person or animal) to move more quickly or in a particular direction」的反義字

    • urge的名詞複數
    • urge的動詞過去式、過去分詞
    • vt.
      鼓勵 to urge on the troops 鼓舞部隊的士氣
    • ph.
      鼓勵或激勵某人做某事 The manager urged his staff on (to greater efforts). 經理督促職員更加努力。 Urged on by his colleagues, he stood for election. 他受到同事的鼓勵而參加競選。
    • ph.
      強烈地想要做某事;有衝動要做某事 Seeing that she is so young and pretty, I had an urge to dance with her and hold her in my arms. 看到她長得這麼年輕漂亮,我有衝動想跟她跳舞並將她攬到懷裡。
    • ph.
      強烈地想要做某事;有衝動要做某事 Seeing that she is so young and pretty, I had an urge to dance with her and hold her in my arms. 看到她長得這麼年輕漂亮,我有衝動想跟她跳舞並將她攬到懷裡。


    • 更多解釋
    • KK[ɝdʒ]
    • DJ[ə:dʒ]


    • vt.
      催促;力勸;激勵;慫恿[O2] They urged us to go at once. 他們催促我們馬上去。
    • vi.
      極力主張;強烈要求 The citizens urged for the construction of a new hospital. 市民們強烈要求建造一個新醫院。
    • n.[C]
      強烈的慾望;衝動;迫切的要求[the S] The vacation is coming and I have an urge to travel. 假期快到了,我很想外出旅行。