- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 批准 to authorize sb. to do sth. 授權某人做某事
1. give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent)
- give permission for
- , permit
- , sanction
- , allow
- , agree to
- , approve
- , give one's consent/assent to
- , consent to
- , assent to
- , accede to
- , countenance
- , license
- , legalize
- , make legal
- , legitimize
- , legitimatize
- , ratify
- , endorse
- , validate
- , accredit
- , warrant
- , give the green light to
- , give the go-ahead for
- , give the OK to
- , OK
- , give the thumbs up to
- , approbate
- , give someone the authority
- , give someone permission
- , mandate
- , commission
- , empower
- , entitle
「1. give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent)」的反義字
- 經授權的 an authorized dealer 指定經銷商
- 經授權的;經批准的
- 授權,批准
- 【經】核定股本
- (基督教《聖經》的)欽定英譯本
- 【經】核定股本
- (基督教《聖經》的)欽定英譯本
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋɔθə͵raɪz]
- DJ[ˋɔ:θəraiz]
- 授權給,全權委託[O2] A senior member of the committee was authorized to act for the chairman during his absence. 主席不在時,授權委員會中的一位資深委員代理他的職務。