- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. 跳水
- 2. 潛水; 下潛
- 3. 俯衝
- 4. 猛衝; 猛地伸手 to dive under the bed/into the bushes 急忙鑽到床底下/灌木叢裡 to dive into one's pocket/bag 突然把手伸進口袋/袋子
- 5. 突然下降; 突然失落; 突然轉壞
- 1. 跳水
- 2. 潛水; 下潛 to be on a dive 在潛水
- 3. 俯衝 to go into a dive 開始俯衝 to pull out of a dive 停止俯衝
- 4. 猛撲 to make a dive for sth. 撲向某物
- 5. 假摔; 佯裝被擊倒; 假摔 to take a dive 佯裝被擊倒
- 6. 突然下降; 突然失落 to take a dive 突然下降 the party's fortunes have taken a dive 該黨的時運急轉直下
- 7. 低級酒館; 低級夜總會
1. plunge head first into water with one's arms raised over one's head
2. swim under water using breathing equipment
3. move quickly or suddenly in a specified direction
- leap
- , jump
- , lunge
- , launch oneself
- , throw oneself
- , go headlong
- , bolt
- , dart
- , dash
- , rush
- , scurry
- , duck
- , dodge
4. a plunge head first into water
5. a sudden movement in a specified direction
6. a disreputable nightclub or bar
- 鴿子
- 跳水
- ▶dive
- 品牌名稱
- 鴿(常被視為和平的象徵)
- 《聖經》寓言中的財主(路加十六:19-31)
- 潛水;跳水
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
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- 更多解釋
- KK[daɪv]
- DJ[daiv]
- 跳水[(+in/off/into/from)] He dived into the river to save a drowning child. 他跳入河中救一個快溺死的小孩。
- 跳水,潛水,俯衝,急劇下降 Infant mortality headed into a steep dive. 嬰兒死亡率開始急劇下降。
- 潛水,跳水,下潛,俯沖潛水,跳水,下潛,俯沖