- IPA[ˈfrækʃəs]
- 易怒的
- 同反義
1. (typically of children) irritable and quarrelsome
- grumpy
- , grouchy
- , crotchety
- , in a (bad) mood
- , cantankerous
- , bad-tempered
- , ill-tempered
- , ill-natured
- , ill-humoured
- , peevish
- , having got out of bed the wrong side
- , cross
- , as cross as two sticks
- , disagreeable
- , pettish
- , irritable
- , irascible
- , tetchy
- , testy
- , curmudgeonly
- , crabbed
- , crabby
- , waspish
- , prickly
- , peppery
- , touchy
- , scratchy
- , crusty
- , splenetic
- , shrewish
- , short-tempered
- , hot-tempered
- , quick-tempered
- , dyspeptic
- , choleric
- , bilious
- , liverish
- , cross-grained
- , snappish
- , snappy
- , chippy
- , on a short fuse
- , short-fused
- , shirty
- , stroppy
- , narky
- , ratty
- , eggy
- , like a bear with a sore head
- , cranky
- , ornery
- , peckish
- , soreheaded
- , snaky
- , waxy
- , miffy
2. (of a group or organization) difficult to control; unruly
- wayward
- , unruly
- , uncontrollable
- , unmanageable
- , out of hand
- , obstreperous
- , difficult
- , headstrong
- , refractory
- , recalcitrant
- , intractable
- , disobedient
- , insubordinate
- , disruptive
- , disorderly
- , undisciplined
- , troublemaking
- , rebellious
- , mutinous
- , anarchic
- , defiant
- , stubborn
- , obstinate
- , contrary
- , wilful
- , contumacious
「1. (typically of children) irritable and quarrelsome」的反義字
「2. (of a group or organization) difficult to control; unruly」的反義字
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋfrækʃəs]
- DJ[ˋfrækʃəs]
- 乖張易怒的;性情暴戾的 You have to learn to deal with fractious children if you want to be a teacher. 如果你想為人師表的話,你必須學會如何對付性情乖張的小孩。
- 易怒的,倔強的,脾氣不好的,難以對待的