- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 貪食的 greedy guts or pig 貪吃的傢伙
- 2. 貪婪的 a politician greedy for power 貪圖權力的政客 a man greedy for success 渴望成功的人
1. having an excessive desire or appetite for food
- gluttonous
- , ravenous
- , ravening
- , voracious
- , gourmandizing
- , gourmand
- , intemperate
- , self-indulgent
- , insatiable
- , insatiate
- , wolfish
- , gannet-like
- , piggish
- , piggy
- , swinish
- , hoggish
- , gutsy
- , esurient
- , edacious
- , have eyes bigger than one's stomach
- , have a/the big eye
2. having or showing an intense and selfish desire for wealth or power
- avaricious
- , acquisitive
- , covetous
- , rapacious
- , grasping
- , venal
- , cupidinous
- , materialistic
- , mercenary
- , predatory
- , usurious
- , possessive
- , grabbing
- , hoarding
- , Scrooge-like
- , money-grubbing
- , money-grabbing
- , grabby
- , pleonectic
- , Mammonish
- , Mammonistic
- , eager
- , avid
- , hungry
- , craving
- , longing
- , yearning
- , hankering
- , thirsty
- , pining
- , enthusiastic
- , impatient
- , anxious
- , desirous of
- , dying
- , itching
- , hot
- , gagging
「1. having an excessive desire or appetite for food」的反義字
「2. having or showing an intense and selfish desire for wealth or power」的反義字
- greedy的形容詞比較級
- greedy的形容詞最高級
- 渴望愛情
- 貪圖名利,沽名釣譽
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋgridɪ]
- DJ[ˋgri:di]
- 貪食的;貪吃的 Don't be so greedy -- leave some of the food for the rest of us. 別這麼貪吃,留些食物給我們其餘的人吃。
- 貪吃的