lay waste
- 破壞;荒廢
- 相關詞
- 【文】毀壞(地裡的)作物(尤指戰時); 使某處荒蕪 fields laid waste by the invading army 被侵略軍糟蹋而荒蕪的土地
- 毀滅 After they decided to withdraw, they laid waste to the city. 他們決定撤退之後, 就毀了那座城市。 They did not expect the invaders to lay waste to their civilization. 他們沒有料到侵略者會破壞他們的文明。
- 損毀 They did not expect the invaders to lay waste to their civilization. 他們沒有料到侵略者會破壞他們的文明。
- 損毀 They did not expect the invaders to lay waste to their civilization. 他們沒有料到侵略者會破壞他們的文明。
- 荒廢,荒蕪,閑置不用,尚未開墾
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