Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. machine-stitch

    • v.
      sew (something) using a sewing machine
    • n.
      a stitch made using a sewing machine
    • verb: machine stitch, 3rd person present: machine stitches, gerund or present participle: machine stitching, past tense: machine stitched, past participle: machine stitched

    • noun: machine stitch, plural noun: machine stitches

    • 釋義


    • 1. sew (something) using a sewing machine pin and machine-stitch the hem in place


    • 1. a stitch made using a sewing machine the seams were frequently sewn with tiny machine stitches
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    • v.
      sew (something) using a sewing machine: pin and machine-stitch the hem in place
    • n.
      a stitch made using a sewing machine: the seams were frequently sewn with tiny machine stitches

    Oxford American Dictionary