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  1. snake dance

    • IPA[snāk dans]
    • n.
      a dance in which the performers handle live snakes, imitate the motions of snakes, or form a line that moves in a zigzag fashion, in particular a ritual dance of the Hopi Indians involving the handling of live rattlesnakes.
    • v.
      perform a snake dance
    • verb: snake-dance, 3rd person present: snake-dances, gerund or present participle: snake-dancing, past tense: snake-danced, past participle: snake-danced

    • noun: snake dance, plural noun: snake dances

    • 釋義


    • 1. a dance in which the performers handle live snakes, imitate the motions of snakes, or form a line that moves in a zigzag fashion, in particular a ritual dance of the Hopi Indians involving the handling of live rattlesnakes.


    • 1. perform a snake dance he had them join hands and snake-dance in a long line around the lot
    • 更多解釋
    • n.
      a dance in which the performers handle live snakes or imitate the motions of snakes, in ...
    • v.
      perform a snake dance: he had them join hands and snake-dance in a long line around the lot

    Oxford Dictionary