straighten out
- 變直; 理清; 解決
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 變直; 理清; 解決 He tried to straighten out the bent wire. 他試圖把彎曲了的金屬線弄直。 The disagreement between them will not be straightened out overnight. 他們之間的分異在一夜之間就能弄清。
- 【口】使某人消除疑慮; 給某人解釋清楚 You're clearly rather muddled about office procedures but I'll soon straighten you out. 你顯然不大明白辦事的手續, 我很快就給你解釋清楚。
- 解決某事物; 排除某事物存在的困難 Let's try to straighten out this confusion. 咱們努力收拾這個混亂的局面吧。
- 克服困難 John straightened out the difficulty and became happy again. 約翰克服了困難, 因而又變得快樂了。
- 更多解釋
- 變直
- 使變直 she sat down, straightening out one leg 她伸著一條腿坐了下來 he untwisted the wire and straightened it out 他解開纏繞的電線後又把它拉直
- 清理;澄清 We'll get the case straightened out. 我們會把情況弄清。
- 清理;澄清 We'll get the case straightened out. 我們會把情況弄清。