- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 笨的 she is not stupid, just lazy 她並不笨,只是懶 I pretended I understood because I didn't want to look stupid 我假裝聽懂了,因為我不想看上去像個傻瓜
- 2. 愚蠢的 I've done something stupid 我做了件蠢事 don't be stupid! 不要犯傻了!
- 3. 迷糊的 to be stupid with cold/shock/fatigue 凍得失去知覺/驚得神志不清/累得迷迷糊糊 to drink oneself stupid (喝酒)喝得暈頭轉向
- 4. 惱人的 get your stupid feet off the chair! 把你的臭腳從椅子上拿開!
- 1. 笨蛋
1. lacking intelligence or common sense
- unintelligent
- , ignorant
- , dense
- , brainless
- , mindless
- , foolish
- , dull-witted
- , dull
- , slow-witted
- , witless
- , slow
- , dunce-like
- , simple-minded
- , empty-headed
- , vacuous
- , vapid
- , half-witted
- , idiotic
- , moronic
- , imbecilic
- , imbecile
- , obtuse
- , doltish
- , gullible
- , naive
- , thick
- , thick as two short planks
- , dim
- , dumb
- , dopey
- , dozy
- , crazy
- , barmy
- , cretinous
- , birdbrained
- , pea-brained
- , pig-ignorant
- , bovine
- , slow on the uptake
- , soft in the head
- , brain-dead
- , boneheaded
- , lamebrained
- , thickheaded
- , chuckleheaded
- , dunderheaded
- , wooden
- , wooden-headed
- , fat-headed
- , muttonheaded
- , daft
- , not the full shilling
- , dumb-ass
- , silly
- , scatterbrained
- , crackbrained
- , nonsensical
- , senseless
- , irresponsible
- , unthinking
- , ill-advised
- , ill-considered
- , inept
- , damfool
- , unwise
- , injudicious
- , indiscreet
- , short-sighted
- , inane
- , absurd
- , ludicrous
- , ridiculous
- , laughable
- , risible
- , fatuous
- , asinine
- , pointless
- , meaningless
- , futile
- , fruitless
- , mad
- , insane
- , lunatic
- , cracked
- , half-baked
- , cock-eyed
- , hare-brained
- , nutty
- , potty
- , dotty
- , batty
- , gormless
- , cuckoo
- , loony
- , loopy
- , zany
- , screwy
- , off one's head
- , off one's trolley
- , out to lunch
- , glaikit
- , half-assed
「1. lacking intelligence or common sense」的反義字
- stupid的形容詞比較級
- stupid的形容詞最高級
- 搞笑片(簡稱stu-com)
- 愚蠢線(比喻聰明決定和愚蠢決定之間的分界線)
- 搞笑片(簡稱stu-com)
- 愚蠢線(比喻聰明決定和愚蠢決定之間的分界線)
- 像豬一樣愚蠢
- 像豬一樣愚蠢
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋstjupɪd]
- DJ[ˋstju:pid]
- 愚蠢的,笨的 It is stupid to do such a thing. 做這種事真蠢。
- 笨蛋,傻瓜[C]