Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. teach one's grandmother to suck eggs

    • ph.
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    • 1. 班門弄斧 He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching his grandmother to suck eggs. 他老是對總裁說該如何管理業務, 就跟班門弄斧似的。
    • ph.
      班門弄斧 He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching his grandmother how to suck eggs. 他老是對總裁說該如何管理業務,就跟班門弄斧似的。
    • ph.
      班門弄斧 He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching his grandmother how to suck eggs. 他老是對總裁說該如何管理業務,就跟班門弄斧似的。
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    • ph.
      班門弄斧 He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching his grandmother to suck eggs. 他老是對總裁說該如何管理業務,就跟班門弄斧似的。