over the top
- 【主英】【口】過火; 過頭
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 【主英】【口】過火; 過頭 The film's violent ending is completely over the top. 影片結尾的暴力場面太過分了。 an actor who tends to go over the top 表演得過火的演員
- 【謔】(人的)頭腦 He's a bit weak in the top storey. 他的腦筋差點事兒。
- 怪裡怪氣的; 過分的; 誇張的
- 【英】【口】言過其實的,誇大其詞的
- 名列榜首,居首位
- 領銜主演
- 成名; 成功 Ten to one she will come to the top. 十有八九, 她會成功。 He has finally come to the top in the financial business. 他終於在金融界取得了成功。
- 出名;成功 He has finally come to the top in the financial business. 他終於在金融界取得了成功。
- 上品;極品
- (常作定語)(同類商品中)最昂貴的
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- 下一頁