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  1. thought disorder

    • IPA[THôt diˈsôrdər]
    • n.
      a disorder of cognitive organization, characteristic of psychotic mental illness, in which thoughts and conversation appear illogical and lacking in sequence and may be delusional or bizarre in content
    • noun: thought disorder, plural noun: thought disorders

    • 釋義


    • 1. a disorder of cognitive organization, characteristic of psychotic mental illness, in which thoughts and conversation appear illogical and lacking in sequence and may be delusional or bizarre in content overinclusive thinking has been suggested as an explanation of certain forms of thought disorder schizophrenia is primarily a thought disorder
    • 更多解釋
    • n.
      a disorder of cognitive organization, characteristic of psychotic mental illness, in which ... overinclusive thinking has been suggested as an explanation of certain forms of thought disorder schizophrenia is primarily a thought disorder

    Oxford Dictionary