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  1. PyDict

    be done to a turn

    • ph.
    • 相關詞
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      與某人/某事物有聯繫或有關係 What do you want to see me about? It's to do with that letter you sent me. “你想見我有什麼事嗎?”“這事跟你寫給我的那封信有關。”
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      不願(做某事) She was loath to depart. 她不願離開。
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      【口】(反語)必定做某事, 準做某事 It is guaranteed to rain when you want to go out. 你想出門, 天準下雨。
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      能夠並願意做某事 I am prepared to lend you the money if you promise to pay it back. 我願意把錢借給你, 你得答應還給我。 I am not prepared to stay and listen to these outrageous insults. 我可不願意在這兒受這種奇恥大辱。
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      為某目的或用途而製造或計劃 The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion. 這條路是為緩解交通擁擠而開辟的。
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      你有什麼權利(或資格等)做某事 Who are you to tell me I can't leave my bicycle here? It's not your house. 你憑什麼不讓我把自行車放在這兒? 這又不是你們家。
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      打算(或計劃)做某事。 This advertisement is calculated to appeal to children. 這個廣告是針對兒童設計的。 His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd. 他講的話是有意鼓動群眾的。
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