- IPA[baʊnd]
- past and past participle of bind
- certain to be or to do or have something;obliged by law, circumstances, or duty to do something
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. past and past participle of bind
- 1. certain to be or to do or have something there is bound to be a change of plan 同義詞
- ▪ obliged by law, circumstances, or duty to do something I'm bound to do what I can to help Sam I'm bound to say that I have some doubts 同義詞
- 2. restricted or confined to a specified place his job kept him city-bound
- ▪ prevented from operating normally by the specified conditions blizzard-bound Boston
- 3. (of a book) having a specified binding fine leather-bound books
- 4. (of a grammatical element) occurring only in combination with another form.
- ▪ in Chomskyan linguistics, (of a reflexive, reciprocal, or other linguistic unit) dependent for its reference on another noun phrase in the same sentence.
- tie or fasten (something) tightly together: they bound her hands and feet the logs were bound together with ropes
- a problematical situation: he is in a bind that gets worse with every passing minute
Oxford Dictionary
- tie or fasten (something) tightly: the logs were bound together with ropes the magician bound her wrists with a silk scarf
- a problematical situation: he is in a political bind over the welfare issue
Oxford American Dictionary
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- IPA[bound]
- past and past participle of bind
- certain to do or have something: there is bound to be a change of plan
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[bound]
- a territorial limit; a boundary: the ancient bounds of the forest
- form the boundary of; enclose: the ground was bounded by a main road on one side and a meadow on the other
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[baʊnd]
- a territorial limit; a boundary: the ancient bounds of the forest
- form the boundary of; enclose: the ground was bounded by a main road on one side and a meadow on the other
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[baʊnd]
- walk or run with leaping strides: Louis came bounding down the stairs shares bounded ahead in early dealing
- a leaping movement towards or over something: I went up the steps in two effortless bounds
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[bound]
- walk or run with leaping strides: Louis came bounding down the stairs the dog bounded up to him
- a leaping movement upward: I went up the steps in two effortless bounds
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[bound]
- going or ready to go toward a specified place: the three moon-bound astronauts trains bound for Chicago
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[baʊnd]
- going or ready to go towards a specified place: an express train bound for Edinburgh the three moon-bound astronauts
Oxford Dictionary