- IPA[ˈmɪrə]
- a surface, typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, which reflects a clear image;a thing regarded as accurately representing something else
- (of a surface) show a reflection of;correspond or be similar to (another thing)
verb: mirror, 3rd person present: mirrors, gerund or present participle: mirroring, past tense: mirrored, past participle: mirrored
noun: mirror, plural noun: mirrors
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. a surface, typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, which reflects a clear image he checked his appearance in the mirror 同義詞
- ▪ a thing regarded as accurately representing something else the stage is supposed to be the mirror of life 同義詞
- 2. a site on a network which stores the contents copied from another site the company now has a mirror site in Taiwan
- 1. (of a surface) show a reflection of the clear water mirrored the sky
- 2. correspond or be similar to (another thing) his own views mirrored those of his followers gradations of educational attainment mirror differences in social background
- 3. display content from (the screen of a computer, phone, or other device) on another screen, usually via a wireless connection device owners can mirror their screen to their TV wireless technology lets you mirror your phone's screen on a compatible TV
- 4. keep a copy of the contents of (a network site) at another site, typically in order to improve accessibility his site was mirrored at several colleges around the United States
- ▪ store (copies of data) on two or more hard disks as a method of protecting it another three identical drives would mirror data from primary sources
- having a surface like a mirror; reflective: mirrored sunglasses
Oxford Dictionary
- having a surface like a mirror; reflective: mirrored sunglasses
Oxford American Dictionary
- an image or object which is identical in form to another, but with the structure reversed, as ...
Oxford Dictionary
- an image or object which is identical in form to another, but with the structure reversed, as ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- reversed writing resembling ordinary writing reflected in a mirror.
Oxford Dictionary
- glass with a reflective metallic coating, as used for mirrors.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a small angled mirror fixed inside the windshield of a motor vehicle, enabling the driver to ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of a surface or material) reflecting an image like a mirror: the mirror-like polish of the black floor
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[ˈmirər]
- a reflective surface, now typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, that reflects a clear ... he checked his appearance in the mirror
- (of a reflective surface) show a reflection of: the clear water mirrored the sky
Oxford American Dictionary