- IPA[mɪs]
- 未擊中; 未接住;避開
- 沒打中; 你肯定能成功;不做
- 擊不中;銷量很差的唱片; 票房很差的電影
過去式:missed 過去分詞:missed 現在分詞:missing
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. 未擊中; 未接住 to miss a penalty 罰失點球 the ball missed the goal 球沒有進網
- 2. 避開 to just miss the other car/having an accident 差點兒撞上另一輛車/出事故 to miss death by inches 險些喪命
- 3. 錯過 is Lee here? — you just missed him 李在這裡嗎?──他剛走 to miss one's cue 未聽到出場提示
- 4. 未看見; 未聽見; 未聽懂 you can't miss it 你不會看不見的 he doesn't miss a trick 他十分機敏
- 5. 未做到 to miss doing sth. 未能做某事 to miss getting an A by 2 marks 差兩分沒得到A
- 6. 未出席; 遺漏 to miss the middle paragraph 跳過中間的那個段落 I missed lunch 我沒吃午飯
- 7. 發覺遺失; 發覺…不在身邊 I didn't miss my purse till I got back to the hotel 我回到賓館才發現錢包丟了
- 8. 想念 to miss sb./sth. (very badly or much) (非常)想念某人/某物 keep it, I shan't miss it 你留著吧,我不需要它了
- 1. 沒打中; 你肯定能成功 he had an open goal, but he missed 他面對空門卻沒射進 you can't miss 你不會打不中的
- 2. 不做 I always hear from her at New Year; she never misses 我每個新年都會收到她的來信,她一次不落
- 3. 不點火
- 1. 擊不中 he scored ten hits and two misses 他十次擊中,兩次未中 a miss is as good as a mile 錯誤再小也是錯
- 2. 銷量很差的唱片; 票房很差的電影
- = Mississippi
- manuscript
- 丟失的 there's money missing from the till 錢櫃裡有些錢不見了 to be missing from its usual place 不在通常放的地方
- 缺掉的 There is a page missing from this book. 這本書缺掉一頁。
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- 小姐 miss Anne Brown 安•布朗小姐 miss Oxford/England/World 牛津/英格蘭/世界小姐
- KK[mɪs]
- DJ[mis]
- 未擊中;未得到;未達到;未看到;未聽到;未領會[+v-ing] He missed my meaning. 他沒有領會我的意思。 The hunter fired at the deer but missed it. 獵人向鹿開了槍,但未打中。
- 未擊中;打偏 Aim carefully or you'll miss. 仔細瞄準,否則會擊不中的。
- 未中;得不到;達不到 He hit the target three times without a miss. 他三發三中。
- KK[mɪs]
- DJ[mis]
- (通常大寫)(用於姓名或姓之前,尤指對未婚女子的稱呼)小姐[C] Miss Brown is a popular teacher. 布朗小姐是位廣受歡迎的教師。
- KK[mɪs]
- DJ[mis]
- (用於姓名或姓之前,尤指對未婚女子的稱呼)女士,小姐 Miss Brown is a popular teacher. 布朗小姐是位廣受歡迎的教師。
- 過錯,避免,失敗未得到,未達到,未聽到,未覺察,逃脫,遺漏,錯過