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  1. Rainbow Bridge

    • IPA[ˌreɪnbəʊ ˈbrɪdʒ]


    • ph.
      a bridge of natural rock, the world's largest natural bridge, situated in southern Utah, just north of the border with Arizona. Its span is 86 m (278 ft).;used in reference to an idyllic place where a pet animal is imagined to go after death, where it will eventually be reunited with its owner
    • noun: Rainbow Bridge, plural noun: Rainbow Bridges

    • 釋義


    • 1. a bridge of natural rock, the world's largest natural bridge, situated in southern Utah, just north of the border with Arizona. Its span is 86 m (278 ft).
    • 2. used in reference to an idyllic place where a pet animal is imagined to go after death, where it will eventually be reunited with its owner Smokey crossed the Rainbow Bridge last night
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    • IPA[ˌrānˌbō ˈbrij]


    • ph.
      a bridge of natural rock, the world's largest natural bridge, situated in southern Utah, ...

    Oxford American Dictionary