turn about
- 依次地, 輪流地;(使)轉身; (使)回頭
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 依次地, 輪流地
- 2. (使)轉身; (使)回頭 The whole army had to be turned about to face the new enemy coming from behind. 全軍不得不掉轉頭來對付後面新來的敵人。
- 3. 轉變, 改變意見 The chairman seems to have turned about. 主席似乎已經改變了自己的主張。
- 4. 反覆思考 He was still turning the idea about when he fell asleep. 他入睡時還在反覆考慮這個主意。
- 【英】【加】= about-face
- 依次,輪流
- 交替; 輪流
- 更多解釋