- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 告誡
- 2. 勸告 she left him with admonitions to take care of his health 她離開時囑咐他要注意身體
1. a firm warning or reprimand
- reprimand
- , rebuke
- , reproof
- , remonstrance
- , reproach
- , admonishment
- , stricture
- , lecture
- , criticism
- , recrimination
- , tirade
- , diatribe
- , philippic
- , harangue
- , attack
- , scolding
- , chastisement
- , castigation
- , upbraiding
- , berating
- , reproval
- , censure
- , condemnation
- , telling-off
- , dressing-down
- , talking-to
- , tongue-lashing
- , bashing
- , blast
- , rap
- , rap over the knuckles
- , slap on the wrist
- , flea in one's ear
- , earful
- , roasting
- , rollicking
- , caning
- , blowing-up
- , rocket
- , wigging
- , slating
- , ticking off
- , carpeting
- , serve
- , bollocking
- , rating
- , exhortation
- , warning
- , caution
- , caveat
- , piece of advice
- , recommendation
- , injunction
- , monition
- , enjoinment
- , instruction
- , direction
- , suggestion
- , lesson
- , precept
- , advice
- , counsel
- , guidance
- , urging
- , encouragement
- , persuasion
- , pressure
「1. a firm warning or reprimand」的反義字
- 更多解釋
- KK[͵ædməˋnɪʃən]
- DJ[͵ædməˋniʃən]
- 告誡;警告;勸告[U][C] The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless. 那個打字員因粗心大意受到監督人的訓誡。