Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. advance

    • KK[ədˋvæns]
    • DJ[ədˋvɑ:ns]


    • vt.
    • vi.
    • n.
    • adj.
    • 過去式:advanced 過去分詞:advanced 現在分詞:advancing

    • 名詞複數:advances

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 使向前移動;推進,促進 The president has done his utmost to advance the national interest. 總統已盡了最大努力來增進國家的利益。
    • 2. 將……提前 The date of the meeting was advanced by four days. 會議提前四天召開。
    • 3. 預付[O1] We will advance him some money for traveling expenses. 我們將預付給他一些錢以供支付旅費。
    • 4. 提出(建議,看法,理論等) The theory was advanced by an American professor. 該理論系一位美國教授提出的。
    • 5. 提升;提高(價格) He was soon advanced to the position of CEO. 不久他被提升為總裁。
    • 6. 貸(款) The bank advanced him 20,000 dollars to start his business. 銀行預付他兩萬元以開始他的事業。


    • 1. 前進;向前移動[(+on/upon/against)] She advanced on him silently. 她悄悄地向他走去。
    • 2. 進展;進步 We had greatly advanced in our knowledge of the world. 我們在世界知識方面大有長進。
    • 3. 被晉升 He advanced shortly to a full professor. 他很快被提升為教授。
    • 4. (物價)上漲 Rice has advanced fifteen cents a pound. 米一磅漲了一角五分。


    • 1. 前進[S1] The advance of the enemy troops was halted by a heavy snow. 一場大雪阻止了敵軍的進攻。
    • 2. 發展[C] Remarkable advances have been made in space science. 太空科學已有了長足的發展。
    • 3. 增長;增高;擢升[C] Her colleagues were all surprised at her rapid advance in the company. 她的飛速升遷令公司同仁均感驚奇。
    • 4. 預付;預付款[C][(+on)] He was given an advance of fifty dollars on his salary. 預支了五十圓薪金給他。
    • 5. 友好表示;殷勤[P] He did not respond to her advances. 他對她的友好表示無動於衷。
    • 6. 候選人出外競選時的先遣助選人員 black advance (在競選對手露面場合安排的)預先搗亂


    • 1. 先行的 We sent advance copies of the new course book to the teacher and the students who were to use it. 我們先送了幾冊新教科書給要用書的老師和學生們。
    • 2. 預先的,事先的 I have received an advance payment. 我已收到一筆預付款。


    vt. 推進;促進;提高


    「vi. & vt. 推進;促進;提前」的反義字