- IPA[əˈgeɪn]
- 再一次;而且
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 再一次 when will I see you again? 我甚麼時候能再見到你? not again! 怎麼又是這樣!
- 2. 而且 again, there are striking differences 再說了,差異十分顯著 again, you may think that more could have been done 此外,你可能認為本來可以做得更多
- 3. 另一方面 then or there again 不過
1. another time; once more
2. in addition to what has already been mentioned
- extra
- , in addition
- , additionally
- , over and above
- , on top
- , also
- , too
- , as well
- , besides
- , furthermore
- , moreover
- , yet
- , to boot
3. used to introduce a further point for consideration, supporting or contrasting with what has just been said
- (在一度緊張、恐懼或努力之後)恢復平靜或安下心來, 鬆口氣 Now my debts are paid I can breathe again. 現在我已還清欠債, 可以鬆口氣了。
- 重新考慮情況並改變想法或意圖 If you think I'm going to lend you my car you can think again! 你要是以為我能把汽車借給你, 你還是另打主意吧!
- 【口】(因未聽懂或難以置信, 要求某人重復一遍時使用)再說一遍 She's an entomologist. Come again? An entomologist -- she studies insects. “她是昆蟲學家。” “請再說一遍。”“她是昆蟲學家--她研究昆蟲。”
- 再一次 I'll tell you how to do it once again. 我再告訴你一次怎麼做。 Amanda is home from college once again. 阿曼達又從學校回到家中。
- (強調)再; 再一次 Yet again we can see the results of hasty decision-making. 我們可以再一次看到倉促作出決定的後果。
- 重新 He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他做得太糟了, 我只好自己重新做。
- 再生的 a born-again Christian 皈依基督教的人
- 【主美】再生的;重生的;自新的 She's also just been born-again! 她也剛剛重生了一樣!
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