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  1. airhead

    • IPA[ˈɛːhɛd]


    • n.
      a base close to the area of active operations where supplies and troops can be received and evacuated by air.
    • noun: airhead, plural noun: airheads

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈerˌ(h)ed]


    • n.
      a base secured in enemy territory where supplies and troops can be received and evacuated by air.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[ˈerˌ(h)ed]


    • n.
      a silly or foolish person: some people dismiss me as an airhead but it says more about who they are a celebrity airhead with no discernible talent

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[ˈɛːhɛd]


    • n.
      a silly or foolish person: some people dismiss me as an airhead but it says more about who they are a celebrity airhead with no discernible talent

    Oxford Dictionary