- 相關詞
- 同反義
1. pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands
- conciliate
- , placate
- , pacify
- , make peace with
- , propitiate
- , palliate
- , allay
- , reconcile
- , win over
- , calm (down)
- , mollify
- , soothe
- , quieten down
- , subdue
- , soften
- , content
- , still
- , quieten
- , silence
- , tranquillize
- , humour
- , sweeten
2. assuage or satisfy (a demand or a feeling)
- satisfy
- , fulfil
- , gratify
- , meet
- , fill
- , serve
- , provide for
- , indulge
- , assuage
- , relieve
- , take the edge off
- , deaden
- , dull
- , blunt
- , quench
- , slake
- , sate
- , diminish
「1. pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands」的反義字
「2. assuage or satisfy (a demand or a feeling)」的反義字
- 更多解釋
- KK[əˋpiz]
- DJ[əˋpi:z]
- 平息;緩和;撫慰 Nothing could appease the crying child. 什麼都無法使孩子不哭。