Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. at one's fingertips

    • ph.
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    • 1. 近在手邊;垂手可得;隨時可用 The solution to this problem is really at your fingertips. You don't need to seek help from a foreigner. 對你而言,這個問題的解決方案垂手可得,你不必找外國人幫忙。 With your father's fortune at your fingertips, you don't have to worry about insolvency. 有你父親的財產近在手邊,你根本不用擔心周轉不靈。
    • ph.
      精通某事物 David seems to have the whole business at his fingertip. 大衛似乎對整個事件了如指掌。 When it comes to physics, he has it at the tip of his fingers. 談到物理他簡直是太熟習了。
    • ph.
      精通某事物 David seems to get the whole business at his fingertip. 大衛似乎對整個事件瞭如指掌。
    • ph.
      精通某事物 David seems to get the whole business at his fingertip. 大衛似乎對整個事件瞭如指掌。
    • 更多解釋
    • ph.
      近在手邊;垂手可得;隨時可用 The solution to this problem is really at your fingertips. You don't need to seek help from a foreigner. 對你而言,這個問題的解決方案垂手可得,你不必找外國人幫忙。 With your father's fortune at your fingertips, you don't have to worry about insolvency. 有你父親的財產近在手邊,你根本不用擔心周轉不靈。