Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. strain at sth.

    • ph.
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    • 相關詞


    • 1. 用力拉(或拖、拽)某物 rowers straining at the oars 用力划槳的划船手 dogs straining at the lead 用力拖曳牽狗皮帶的狗
    • ph.
      全力以赴 She ran on at full strain in hopes of breaking the world record. 她全力以赴地向前跑, 希望能夠打破世界記錄。
    • ph.
      全力以赴 We'll finish the job at full strain. 我們將竭盡全力來完成此項工作。
    • ph.
      急於擺脫束縛; 迫不及待 The boy disliked school and was straining at the leash to earn his own money. 那孩子不愛上學, 急於掙錢。
    • ph.
      謹小慎微 He's always straining at a gnat. 他總是對小事很拘謹。
    • ph.
      謹小慎微 He's always straining at a gnat. 他總是對小事很拘謹。
    • ph.
      急於擺脫束縛;迫不及待 The boy disliked school and was straining at the leash to earn his own money. 那孩子不愛上學,急於掙錢。