- IPA[ˈaksiːz]
- plural form of axis
- 相關詞
- a tool typically used for chopping wood, usually a steel blade attached at a right angle to a ... I started swinging the axe at the lumps of driftwood an axe blade
- end, cancel, or dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly: the company is axing 125 jobs 2,500 staff were axed as part of the realignment
Oxford American Dictionary
- a tool used for chopping wood, typically of iron with a steel edge and wooden handle: I started swinging the axe at the lumps of driftwood an axe blade
- end, cancel, or dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly: the company is axing 125 jobs 2,500 staff were axed as part of a rationalization programme
Oxford Dictionary
- an axe with two blades.
Oxford Dictionary
- an axe used by climbers for cutting footholds in ice, having a head with one pointed and one ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a person who commits murder with an axe (frequently used to evoke an image of a violent ... a convicted axe murderer you could be an axe murderer for all I know!
Oxford Dictionary
- a type of kick used in taekwondo and other martial arts, in which the opponent's head is ...
Oxford Dictionary
- a butcher's cleaver.
Oxford Dictionary
- an axe used by climbers for cutting footholds in ice, having a head with one pointed and one ...
Oxford Dictionary
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